About Me

I began writing as a young child and continued to write bits and pieces throughout my life.

Now grown up with grandchildren, I write erotic books of the kind I would be comfortable reading myself.

I try to use language that is in no way offensive.

I did a lot of research before starting to write in this genre and was, quite frankly, uncomfortable with a lot of the stuff I read. That's not to say the material was bad - just not for me. So I decided to write books for the older lady who likes a titillating read but doesn't like some of the words that are commonly used in erotic books.

In my opinion there is a place and reader for every erotica genre but I needed to be comfortable with the words I wrote. Maybe there is a larger audience for the extremely explicit stuff but, to be perfectly honest, I just couldn't bring myself to type some of the words. I actually tried but went back and deleted the content that I would not enjoy reading myself. So, I am proud to say that I have remained true to my own principles and write material that I would be happy to read.

I hope you will be happy to read my stuff too.

I have grownup kids who love the fact that their Mum writes and they regularly promote my books on their Facebook pages :)

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